Getting here
The castle is situated in the town Mariefred by lake Mälaren, approximately 70 Swedish km from Stockholm.
Visiting adress: Gripsholm, Mariefred
Coordinates RT90: 6571382, 1580684
From Stockholms Central towards Eskilstuna, to station Läggesta (approximately 40 min). Therefrom bus (approximately 4 km to Mariefred).
SJ:s traffic information by telephone +46 771 75 75 75
Sörmlandstrafiken (bus) traffic information by telephone +46 771-22 40 00.
Alternative from Läggesta:
Taxi Strängnäs, +46 152 186 00
During spring, summer and autumn there is a steam engine train from Läggesta External link, opens in new window. to Gripsholm Castle, telephone +46 159 210 00
By boat
Regular boat services with steam engine boat S/S Mariefred in summertime from Stockholm to Mariefred. For times and fares External link.
By car
From Stockholm to Mariefred (7 Swedish miles), drive E4 south to Södertälje and from there E20 to Strängnäs. Turnoff nr 139 to Mariefred and Gripsholm Castle. Free car park for visitors to the castle.
Free parking at the Castle grounds.